Grant Recipients


Grant Recipients

Causa Natura Center

Causa Natura Center is a non-profit think tank dedicated to applied research and data analysis on sustainable development. Through its project, it will develop workshops, analysis of the operation of advisory councils and action plans to strengthen environmental governance and the capacities of spaces of participation for two protected natural areas in northwest Mexico with a focus on inclusion, equity with a gender perspective, citizen participation, transparency, accountability and financial sustainability. Causa Natura Center will collaborate strategically with beneficiary communities at the local level and its allied organizations Civic Collaboration Center and Wildlands Network.


ENGENERA is dedicated to promoting gender equality, research for advocacy and social action. It seeks to contribute to the local transformation of communities by addressing the impacts generated by megaprojects, climate change and structural inequalities. With its project, ENGENERA seeks to promote the climate budget analysis capacities of Indigenous and rural women, as well as local organizations, to engage in climate finance decision-making. It also aims to create an Observatory of Public Climate Financing in Mexico to monitor the budget spending and identifying key budget programs to prepare climate financing proposals.

Espacio de Encuentro de Culturas Originarias (EECO)

Espacio de Encuentro de Culturas Originarias (EECO) is dedicated to local development and the environment with a gender, intersectional, intercultural, human rights and climate change approach. Its mission is to support vulnerable groups, promoting their participation in actions that improve their conditions so that they have access to a safety, health and dignity, while preserving their natural and cultural heritage. EECO will work closely with various actors and governments at multiple levels in spaces of participation and coordination for the development of a strategy for the inclusion of vulnerable groups in the construction of public policies and the strengthening of climate governance.

Grupo de Financiamiento Climático para América Latina y el Caribe (GFLAC)

Grupo de Financiamiento Climático para América Latina y el Caribe (GFLAC) is an organization that promotes transparency, accountability, and social and gender inclusion to build a financial architecture that effectively addresses climate change in Latin America and the world. The main line of action is to strengthen the capacities of people, organizations, and governments related to climate finance through research, information dissemination, and training. With its grant, GFLAC will monitor the implementation of Mexico's sustainable taxonomy in financed projects, scale its Sustainable Finance Index tool at the subnational level, including training of public officials, and generate information to strengthen transparency mechanisms and access to subnational public information on climate change.

Transparencia Mexicana

Transparencia Mexicana (TMX) has among its objectives the effective control of corruption, through public policies and private behaviors that generate changes in the institutional framework and in the culture of legality in Mexico. TMX will analyze the financing sources directed to emergencies and climate disasters, with an emphasis on the loss and damage agenda. The results will contribute to identifying information and transparency gaps in financing when addressing disasters linked to the climate crisis. This governance analysis of financing sources will be useful to design accountability tools to improve the management of these resources and focus on losses and damages. 


Cover photo credit: ENGENERA