Grant Recipients


Grant Recipients

Action Solidaire Internationale (ASI)

Action Solidaire Internationale (ASI) is a nonprofit organization founded in 2008 to create wealth for the benefit of communities and the social transformation for sustainable development. ASI works on a range of environmental and natural resource governance issues, providing capacity support to government agencies and civil society, with a focus on social equity and livelihoods. With the financial support received, ASI will seek to make climate finance decisions more transparent and inclusive by convening public authorities and providing civil society capacity building to more effectively monitor climate finance.

Association Diaoulé D'abord (A2D)

Association Diaoulé D'abord (A2D) was created in 2017. This village-development association with 150 volunteer members, is dedicated to local development. A2D supervises and finances vulnerable women's communities in the commune of Diaoulé and strengthens accountability practices for effective monitoring of spending on climate-related financing at municipal level. Diaoulé's project aims to build women's capacity to take climate change into account in local adaptation and mitigation policies and demonstrate that the use of renewable energies contributes to women's economic and social empowerment.

Budgit Foundation Senegal

Budgit Foundation Senegal is a civic organization that applies technology for citizen engagement to facilitate societal change and good governance. Their mission is to empower citizens to own finance information and track budget investments, while advocating for transparency and accountability in public finance management. This project aims to address the lack of accessible and transparent information on climate finance allocations to agriculture, energy , water and sanitation sectors in Senegal.

Citoyens Actifs pour la Justice Sociale (CAJUST)
Citoyens Actifs pour la Justice Sociale (CAJUST) is a network that brings together diverse citizens, youth and women's organizations from Senegalese civil society to promote social justice. Its project for this grant aims to mobilize community players, in particular women's and youth groups, disabled people's associations and community radio journalists to amplify their voices in favor of a transparent and inclusive energy transition plan+D8.

Espace de Co-production des Offres Populaires pour l'Environnement et le Developpement en Afrique (Enda ECOPOP)

Espace de Co-production des Offres Populaires pour l'Environnement et le Developpement en Afrique was created in 1990. It offers an alternative approach to local development based on the mobilization and promotion of initiatives carried out by local authorities and grassroots groups for the improvement of living conditions and the environment. With their grant ENDA Ecopop will build the capacity of 50 civil society organizations and leaders to better monitor the implementation of the National Strategy for the Management of Mangrove Ecosystems, the effective implementation of which is critical to building the resilience of coastal communities and ecosystems.


Cover photo credit: Association Diaoulé D'abord (A2D)